What does building in public mean?


Okay. So I put out the first kind of, build in public video for Hype CP, and I've been debating how to do this for a little while. Like, what does it mean to build in public? Am I literally building everything in public and recording it? Or is it just like I check-in every now and then and update with progress?


And I really don't know the answer to that yet. My first thought while I was doing this was that, you know, wouldn't it be kind of interesting to basically record every time I work, you know, just record the screen, talk while I do it, make a a real sort of effort to do that, while I'm working on the site. And then at the end of that, post the video, make a git commit, and push the site up live so that there's like a, you know, every commit maps directly to a single video. So you can actually see, you know, it's kind of interesting. You'd be able to look at your your files and, see all the all the videos.


You know, he can see exactly which video, a file was edited in by looking at the git history. So that has kind of a you know, it's interesting to me to do that, just as like a way of doing this in public. But the problem with that is, you know, I don't know what the appetite for. Like, projects are a lot of work, and when you you know, sometimes I think people like to see videos that are a little more polished. And so far my YouTube The YouTube channel has been like interesting.


It's been conversations, you know. This is Like it's not just me on there, it's like I've been talking to people who are doing really interesting work. So if I sort of start adding videos for all the minutiae, you know, the first video I recorded yesterday was over an hour long, and it's like I'm setting up the site from scratch, Laravel knew, and then I put out the first example. So, you know, I think that's it's a neat idea, but just, you know, I know this is not this is not the primary purpose, but the, like, views and stuff on that video, like, it's just it's not like it's the least popular video that I've put out so far. Which, like, you know, in my mind, I don't care so much about that.


What I do care about is putting out, like, enjoyable content. So I'm not sure about the, you know, one to one, everything is recorded, build in public. I just don't know that people would be interested in that much, but I think what I'm gonna do at least for a little while is still record the work, but maybe try a little bit of video editing to speed it up so that, you know, either it just goes faster or, I cut out, you know, the the quiet parts or speed up the typing. I'm not quite sure yet. But, that's what I'm thinking about right now.


So if you have thoughts on it in general, if you're hearing this, like you are the people you are someone that I want to, hear from. Like, what do you wanna see? Maybe building this hype CP in public is not even, maybe it's not that interesting. I don't know. I think it is and I'm gonna try it.


I think, you know, I think back to, my conversations with John Dietrich, and it was kind of produce, review, optimize, pro. That was kind of his, mantra for working on stuff. So step 1 is just to produce stuff, to build it, produce it. Step 2 is gonna be to review it. So I've sort of reviewed the video that I did and then step 3 to optimize.


So I think what I'm gonna do is, I I want to kind of try out this concept a little bit, but I think I might try to make the videos a little punchier instead of just like an hour and a half of me building something slowly. Maybe keep the videos focused on just do one little thing at a time, even if it's not maybe the most, you know, necessary part of the site. But, you know, for instance, I I'm gonna add little copy buttons to the code. Yeah. Anytime there's a code snippet, I'm gonna add a copy button to it.


So that maybe is its own little video and maybe that's I don't know how long that will take me, maybe 5, 10 minutes. I already sort of know, you know, how I want to do it. So I think, that I think that's probably what I'm gonna do for now. But if you have thoughts on it, feel free to reach out. And yeah.


And I'm gonna keep I think what I'm gonna do is I'll I'll just I'll use this, the podcast as a place to kind of talk about the progress. So what I've done so far is I've set up pipe cp dotcom with the first example. So that's what's up there now, and it refreshes. And, you know, you can watch the video to see. So maybe what I'll do is I'll also put the videos on Hype Cp, as I go, so that it's like how did this site get made?


Well, you can just see the process if you want to. So I'm still thinking I'll do that. Maybe I'll put the videos unlisted on YouTube, so that it's not like kind of people who subscribed are now getting like a whole bunch of process videos when they sort of subscribe to hear conversations. Undecided. But, either way the work continues.


Produce is the number 1. So either way the the work goes on, and I am going to be, really work putting some time into this hype CP and get this, get this in place hopefully for the new year, but we'll see. December is always a tricky time to to build stuff. Alright. Have a good one.

What does building in public mean?
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