Trailer: The premise of this podcast is that you people are sick


So what do you do when you are learning some new tech? If you're anything like me, I am a longtime developer. I like to kind of dive into it head first all in and really just explore first. I, you know, first, I'm not quite ready to do stuff like download it and install it or whatever, you know, whatever it is. I should probably should start there sometimes, but I kind of like to get into the mindset first.


So I read blog posts. I might look at a video course if they're free to start, and then maybe maybe paid ones once I get more into it. Then I might start building a side project. And once I start building a side project, that's sort of the more serious thing, and I kind of try to stay in the headspace. So one of the ways to stay in the headspace is by listening to podcasts on it and developer podcasts.


And just because while you're doing stuff, even when you should be doing other stuff like peacefully walking through your neighborhood, or you're at the gym, and you could be focusing on those things. But instead, you just can't stop trying to learn about this. You want to sort of keep your head in there and you think you're learning because you're listening to something and you think it'll be like osmosis, and over time you'll just sort of start absorbing it. Maybe that's true. I don't know, but the basic premise of this podcast is that you people are sick and you just cannot get enough.


Always looking for more content and more of this and more of that and you just want to all the forms you can. You have it in your ears when you're doing other stuff. You have it on your computer screen. You're taking breaks from work just to do more programming stuff and learn about programming and read about it. It's like pigs at the trough.


You can't stop eating and I am gonna be the one feeding the HTMX slop.

Trailer: The premise of this podcast is that you people are sick
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