The basics: hx-post

Want to use POST requests in ajax, and submit forms from anywhere on the page?

As promised in the episode, here are three ways to set up your CSRF token headers:

1. Like normal in your forms:
<input type="hidden" name="_token" value=""/>
(the regular html way works with htmx, of course)

2. Javascript
document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (e) => {
    e.detail.headers['X-CSRFToken'] = '';

(add this to the bottom of your </body> so that EVERY request gets the right headers. I love this one!)

<div hx-post="/your-endpoint" hx-headers='{"X-CSRF-Token": "YourCSRFTokenHere"}'> 
<!-- Your content --> 

(add this attribute along with your hx-post)
The basics: hx-post
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