Advanced htmx: Season 2 recap, grouping the 13 advanced attributes

Advanced htmx: Recap & grouping each of the 13 advanced attributes we went over this "season"

This means we have now gone through every attribute! (not counting extensions)

1. Browser & History
Hx-push-url - set your url
Hx-replace-url - replace your url, save no snapshot
Hx-history-elt - change snapshot from default to particular element
Hx-history - prevent something from being saved in the htmx snapshot

2. Customizing Requests
Hx-request - set no headers or timeout on request
Hx-headers - set custom headers, dynamic or static json
Hx-sync - allows you to set rules for multiple htmx requests at once

3. Submitting Data
Hx-validate - allows you to use validation rules outside of forms
Hx-disabled-elt - disables a button once you’ve clicked it
Hx-encoding - allows you to upload files via Ajax

4. Overriding Htmx
Hx-disable - allows you to disable htmx for user comments, posts, etc
Hx-disinherit - breaks inheritance chain for one or more attributes

5. Fun!
Hx-select-oob - lets you place element from your response wherever you want
Advanced htmx: Season 2 recap, grouping the 13 advanced attributes
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